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266 Kelvin Grove Road Kelvin Grove, QLD 4059


266 Kelvin Grove Road,
Kelvin Grove, QLD 4059


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Map of 266 Kelvin Grove Road


Freehold Business Opportunity - Great for your Superfund!

This is a fascinating piece of real estate, offering many options to not only build your business, but build your property assets at the same time.

Just 3 klms from the city, in a position that will give your business incredible exposure, the property offers 2 separate levels. For the upper level we can offer vacant possession and you can move your business in very soon, while the lower level is currently leased and returning almost $25,000 a year.

So, you may want to move in and run your business from the upper level and enjoy an income from the lower level, or treat this as a long term investment in one of Brisbane's most dynamic suburbs.

With excellent on street and off street parking, easy access to the Inner City Bypass, Brisbane Airport and north and south coast roads.

Each level covers around 145m2 and is smart and well presented.

To summarise the details:

- Land area 541m2
- Total floor area 290m2 approx.
- Upper Level 145m2 approx.
- Lower Level 145m2 approx.
- Zoning Classification Class 6 Retail Shop and Professional Office
- Parking 4 to 5 cars
- Fully tenanted value $75,000 pa approx.

This property would be ideal for businesses that include, retail outlets, showroom and office, gallery, studio and many more.

Phone us to discuss your plans and how this property could help define your financial future and superannuation.

Property ID: 502620078Last Updated: 29 Sep 2021

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266 Kelvin Grove Road
Kelvin Grove, QLD 4059

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