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353 Brayton Road Marulan Marulan, NSW 2579


353 Brayton Road Marulan,
Marulan, NSW 2579

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Possible Redevelopment Site
Seeking a secure environment to raise a family or just tired of the hustle and bustle of city life?
Stop searching today and start living your green dream tomorrow!

Located in North Marulan this Functional
3 bedroom older home is perfectly positioned on 25 acres with extensive views to the North.

Features include:
- Generous sized home
- 3 bedrooms
- Study
- Living area
- Dining room
- Bathroom
- 2 large fresh water tanks
- A fantastic large dam
- Open bay shed
- Power available
- Sealed road as well as an access road on the boundary
- Land size 25 acres
- House size 150m2

This near level, lifestyle block is centrally located midway between Western Sydney and Canberra with Goulburn and Moss Vale nearby. It is roughly 5 minutes drive to the freeway and railway station.
Travel in all directions is an absolute breeze. This superb lifestyle property is also handy to Marulan Village, Shops and primary school.

For more information or to arrange an inspection contact Ed Zammit 0422 419 7...

-Members of the public will be excluded from inspecting if they are unwell or have returned from overseas or interstate (from a known hotspot) in the last 14 days -All attendees are required to provide their name and phone number for tracking purposes
-Those inspecting the property will be asked to use hand sanitiser which PMPS will supply. Visitors are welcome to wear masks if they would prefer.
- Please respect the 1.5-meter social distance rules
- Please do not touch any surfaces or open any cupboards or drawers
- The agent will open all/or most doors at the property prior to the inspection

Additional information

Property ID: 503809162Last Updated: 30 Oct 2021

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353 Brayton Road Marulan
Marulan, NSW 2579

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