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CBRE - South Australia (RLA 208125)

95-97 Gouger Street Adelaide, SA 5000


95-97 Gouger Street,
Adelaide, SA 5000

Hotel, Motel & Leisure • Other

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CBRE - South Australia (RLA 208125)
Ned Looker
Rhyce Scott

CBRE - South Australia (RLA 208125)

Level 20/83 Pirie Street
CBRE - South Australia (RLA 208125)
95-97 Gouger Street
Adelaide, SA 5000

Map of 95-97 Gouger Street



  • Securely leased to national group
  • New 7-year term from 1 Jan 2022
  • $183,660* Net passing income
The opportunity to present a strong tenant in the heart of Gouger Street and Chinatown is an exciting proposition in one of the states strongest markets. Further to this, this 500-odd metre stretch of road is some of the busiest retail food and beverage in the state and has been tightly held for the longest time.

95-97 Gouger Street in itself has been occupied by Gyoza Gyoza since 2015 and has busy trade 7-days a week. At the start of 2022, they signed into a new 7 + 7 year lease with a commencing rent of $200,000.

The other key investment highlights for this one include:
- $183,660* net passing income
- Fixed 3.5% annual review
- 7 year Lease renewal from 1 Jan 2022
- Secure tenant with national presence
- 394sqm* building
- Land Size: 388sqm*

Please contact the sole marketing agents with any other questions:
Ned Looker: +61 448 689 5...
Rhyce Scott: +61 422 960 5...

Property ID: 504060799Last Updated: 31 Jul 2022

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