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Abercrombie Street Chippendale, NSW 2008


Abercrombie Street,
Chippendale, NSW 2008

Hotel, Motel & Leisure

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Inner-city leasehold opportunity. Chippendale/Broadway area

Nestled amongst some of the inner-city's most creative residential and commercial developments, The Lybrary offers the quality operator great scope to stamp their personality on a hotel business.

The ground floor offers a separate gaming room with 7 machines, large commercial kitchen and generous public areas for bar, pool and dining.

There is also a small internal courtyard that provides valuable outdoor dining.

In the basement, there is separate male female amenities as well as a fully equipped second bar and seating for up to 90 patrons.

- Great entry-level opportunity
- Priced for a quick sale
- Steps to Central Park and Broadway
- 7 active pokies and midnight licence
- Internal courtyard and separate function room

Property ID: 500736795Last Updated: 31 Oct 2013

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Abercrombie Street
Chippendale, NSW 2008
IB Property
75 Nelson Street

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