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Address available on request Armidale, NSW 2350

Address available on request,
Armidale, NSW 2350

Hotel, Motel & Leisure

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62ML - Boutique Leasehold Motel Opposite Club!

This Leasehold Motel ticks all the boxes! Central to town with a regional city location, low maintenance, ease of operation, high 3.5 star rating, exceptional presentation, long lease and no evening meals! It's just what you have been looking for.
It offers 12 ground floor units, high repeat clientele, has no pool, no meals, and no large yard to maintain - a big 32% return for a minimal effort.
Recipient of the Trip Advisor "Certificate of Excellence - 2014 Winner"
Your inspection is highly recommended.
Contact us now for further details!

Net profit $167,447

Contact David Head from Tourism Brokers for further information or to arrange an inspection.

Property ID: 62ML

Property Code: 686

Additional information

Property ID: 501152211Last Updated: 23 Jan 2015

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Address available on request
Armidale, NSW 2350
Tourism Brokers - NSW, QLD, VIC & TAS
Centralised Administration: 32 Lamorna Ave

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