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Address available on request Arundel, QLD 4214

Address available on request,
Arundel, QLD 4214

Warehouse, Factory & Industrial

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Retired Vendor Is Committed To Sell

* 199m2* includes 57m2* approved mezzanine
* Beautiful presented office space - air-conditioned, data cabled, security and carpeted
* Load bearing mezzanine storage
* Currently tenanted
* Zoned Industry 2
* Central location with easy access to Smith Street and M1 Motorway
* Neat and tidy complex of only 6 units
* Minimising Assets – Genuine Sale

Auction – Thursday 13 November 2014 at 11am
The Gold Coast Convention Centre

Please contact Steve Macgregor for more details by clicking on the link above.

* Approx

Ray White has not independently checked any of the information we merely pass on. We make no comment on and give no warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained in this document which does not constitute all or any part of any offer or contract by the recipient. Prospective purchasers / lessees must rely on their own enquiries and should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary. No duty of care is assumed by Orchid Avenue Realty trading as Ray White Surfers Paradise Commercial divisions toward the recipient with regard to the use of this information and all information given is given without responsibility.

Property ID: 501319703Last Updated: 18 May 2021

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Address available on request
Arundel, QLD 4214
RWC Industrial - M1 North
270 Lahrs Road

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