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Childcare Centre, 32-34 Arthur Street Cairns North, QLD 4870


Childcare Centre, 32-34 Arthur Street,
Cairns North, QLD 4870

Medical & Consulting • Shops & Retail

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Map of Childcare Centre, 32-34 Arthur Street


Award Winning Childcare Facility

  • Award Winning Facility
  • Triple Net Lease
  • Desirable Residential Precinct
Secure 20 year lease to national child care operator to 2034 plus three further 10 year options.
Award winning 685 sqm purpose built facility.
Licensed for 82 LDC places.
Rare triple net lease terms with Tenant responsible for all costs to the centre including capital and structural works.
Large 2,490 sqm land holding within desirable residential precinct, close to CBD and International Airport.
15 on site car spaces.
Experienced management team with 20 plus centres nationally.
Cairns: regarded as the capital of far north Queensland with an emerging population of approximately 200,000 and large scale domestic and foreign investment.
Rent: $186,000 pa.

Auction 11am Wed 17 Sept, River Room Crown Casino.

Property ID: 501263311Last Updated: 22 Jun 2017

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Childcare Centre, 32-34 Arthur Street
Cairns North, QLD 4870
Burgess Rawson - Melbourne
Level 20, 150 Lonsdale Street

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