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Address available on request Halls Gap, VIC 3381

Address available on request,
Halls Gap, VIC 3381

Hotel, Motel & Leisure

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2054ML - Grampians Motel Selling on a 36% Return

Set on approximately 12 acres. Stunning views of the iconic Grampians ranges. Well established and growing clientele (year on year) from both local and increasing international markets. Best on the block offering 30 x 3.5 star quality rooms, a managed restaurant, and new events centre for both corporate and leisure opportunities. Fully staffed and easily managed. A TripAdvisor favourite! This property comes with an excellent trading record, brought about by consistent delivery to guest expectations. Every profit centre adds to the bottom line.
Halls Gap is becoming a second home to the traditional hikers, the new mountain bikers, the white water paddlers and even those who operate at a more leisurely pace.

Well made over, a fully managed opportunity, or ready for your direction

There's an even bigger bottom line waiting for you.

Note: Victorian leasehold purchases do not attract state stamp duty, the lessee is not responsible for the lessor's land tax, vendor's personal guarantees do not apply at transfer, compulsory market review occurs at start of every option, and rent can move downward.

Contact Reg Partington from Tourism Brokers for further information or to arrange an inspection.

Property ID: 2054ML (quote when enquiring)

Location: Halls Gap is located 262 kms North-West of Melbourne with a population of just 300. Sitting pretty at the foot of the Wonderland Range your will find the holiday town of Halls Gap, hub of the relaxing Grampians way of life.

Halls Gap caters to almost every need: it boasts cafes, gift stores, a variety of accommodation from camp sites to luxurious getaways, and an award-winning restaurant.

Halls Gap is the main tourist hub in the heart of the Grampians and is the perfect place from which to explore the National Park's unique rock formations, scenic lookouts, wildflowers and waterfalls. You will find that the town is within easy reach of many natural attractions, local village stores, taste tempting wineries and colourful galleries.

Property Code: 2015

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Property ID: 501996782Last Updated: 14 Nov 2017

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Address available on request
Halls Gap, VIC 3381
Tourism Brokers - NSW, QLD, VIC & TAS
Centralised Administration: 32 Lamorna Ave

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