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Address available on request Kerang, VIC 3579

Address available on request,
Kerang, VIC 3579

Hotel, Motel & Leisure

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946CPF Invest in a Country Lifestyle

This Freehold property and business offers a blank canvas to the investor.
Space to move in a rural environment on this 10 hectare property that is divided into three areas and only 3 kilometres from the centre of town.
Tap into a growth industry and use the unlimited potential options of the park for future development.
Plenty of shady sites for caravans or camping.
Accommodation for the overnight traveller and a central location within the region for day tripping.
This country lifestyle park has an established income stream that allows you the options to pursue other leisure activities.

Net profit $61,478.

Contact Barry Bolwell from Tourism Brokers for further information or to arrange an inspection.

Property ID: 946CPF (quote when enquiring)

Property Code: 630

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Property ID: 501105423Last Updated: 24 Jul 2015

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Address available on request
Kerang, VIC 3579
Tourism Brokers - NSW, QLD, VIC & TAS
Centralised Administration: 32 Lamorna Ave

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