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Prime Commercial with Development Potential , 3 & 4, 112 Terrigal Esplanade Terrigal, NSW 2260


Prime Commercial with Development Potential , 3 & 4, 112 Terrigal Esplanade,
Terrigal, NSW 2260

Shops & Retail • Other

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Map of Prime Commercial with Development Potential , 3 & 4, 112 Terrigal Esplanade


Prime Commercial with Development Potential

  • Directly opposite Beach and Surfclub
  • Prime Commercial - Development Potential
  • Long established tenant
Once in a lifetime opportunity to secure one of Terrigal’s most sought-after commercial freeholds before potential changes in negative gearing and capital gain’s tax.

Absolute prime position directly opposite Terrigal Beach offering the ultimate exposure at the entry point into Terrigal’s busy commercial strip.

Property Description:
Ground floor 7-day a week location
Lots 13 & 14 to be sold in one line.
Lot 13 75m2 + 7m2 Balcony
Lot 14 68m2
Café has space for over 100 patrons
Bustling food location of Terrigal
Going concern

Tenant description:
Long established tenant (BellyFish Cafe) with proven track record of success.
Easily managed
Commencement 1st September 2018
Lease period: 5 years to 2023
Option period 5 years to 2028

Total Rent per Annum:
Net: $130, 627 + GST
Gross: $152,945.69 + GST

Development Potential:
Huge potential for redevelopment representing 25.4% of strata allocation in Terrigal’s premier development site.

Property ID: 503173786Last Updated: 22 Jul 2019

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Prime Commercial with Development Potential , 3 & 4, 112 Terrigal Esplanade
Terrigal, NSW 2260
Stone Real Estate - Terrigal
112 Terrigal Esplanade

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