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'Seloh Nolem' Valkyrie, QLD 4742

'Seloh Nolem',
Valkyrie, QLD 4742

Commercial Farming & Rural

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Under instruction from Peabody Energy Australia; CBRE as exclusive agent is pleased to present Seloh Nolem, ideally located within the heart of Central Queensland and in close proximity to Rockhampton, the Beef Capital of Australia.
Seloh Nolem is presently a breeding and fattening operation located approximately 140 radial kilometres South West of Mackay and 230 radial kilometres North West of Rockhampton.

• Outstanding landholding of approx. 8,615 hectares.
• Extensive stands of native and improved pasture.
• Carrying capacity of approx. 3,000 Adult Equivalents (AE).
• High quality structural and ancillary improvements.
• Highly secure water resources including bores, dams and extensive frontage to the Isaac River.
• Close proximity to livestock selling centres, processing
facilities and live export terminals.
• Consistent climatic region with an average annual rainfall of 600mm.
• Current herd of approx. 2,000 head available by separate negotiation.

Seloh Nolem has been conservatively grazed and intensively managed, resulting in the establishment of one of the most well regarded holdings in the district. Cattle produced on Seloh Nolem have earned a reputation of quality and consistency.

For Sale by Public Auction on Thursday 4 June, 2015 at 11am at Rockhampton Leagues Club, Cambridge Street, Rockhampton QLD, if not sold prior.

To obtain a Contract of Sale or to conduct a comprehensive property inspection, please do not hesitate to call the exclusive agents.

David Smith: 0418 332 780
Chris Holgar: 0411 177 167
Geoff Warriner: 0408 687 880

Property ID: 501541943Last Updated: 3 Oct 2023

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'Seloh Nolem'
Valkyrie, QLD 4742
CBRE - Melbourne
Level 34, 8 Exhibition Street

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