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Suite 10/230 Shute Harbour Road Cannonvale, QLD 4802


Suite 10/230 Shute Harbour Road,
Cannonvale, QLD 4802


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Map of Suite 10/230 Shute Harbour Road


7.5% net return on investment – National tenant! Outstanding opportunity!

Suite 10 Whitsunday Business Centre is currently leased by a subsidiary of APN, who’s major shareholders include News Ltd and Allan Gray Australia, as the home of The Whitsunday Times. This is a brand new 3 year lease term with 2 x 3yr options, with tenants paying all outgoings. It provides a 7.5% net return on investment for the current owners.
This is an outstanding opportunity to purchase a prominent first floor commercial property within the Whitsunday Business Centre. This is a quality, modern complex in a prime location and is designed to accommodate both retail and professional operators. The Centre’s occupants include solicitors, accountants, medical centre, dentist and retail businesses.
• 140sqm of first floor office space
• Situated next to the Whitsunday Shopping Centre which boasts national retailers such as Coles
• Bathroom and kitchen facilities located within the complex
• Wheelchair access
• One exclusive use car parking space
Sale - $560,000
Property Report available upon request.

To arrange an inspection please contact Christie Leet on 0407 775 488 or 07 4946 2030

Property ID: 502339522Last Updated: 12 Jul 2017

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07 4946 20... logo
Suite 10/230 Shute Harbour Road
Cannonvale, QLD 4802
PRD - Whitsunday
230 Shute Harbour Road

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