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Suite 808/9 Yarra Street South Yarra, VIC 3141


Suite 808/9 Yarra Street,
South Yarra, VIC 3141


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Map of Suite 808/9 Yarra Street


Immaculate Partitioned Boutique Suite with Balcony

  • 2 executive offices plus meeting room
  • Open plan and data cabling
  • A car park included in sale
- Comprising a waiting area, 2 meeting rooms and 2 executive offices, with plenty of open plan and cabling

- This Executive Suite comprises 90 square metres* with its own 6 square metre* balcony and has a car park included in the sale

- Available to the Owner Occupier or astute Investor

- 9YARRA Street is a 15 Level Building with a ground floor Cafés, and the Yarra Lane eateries

- 6 levels of office parking and over 100 public parking spaces

- The offices start on L8, where there are 3 Corporate meeting rooms available for hire from the OC

- Office suites range from 34 square metres* to 116 square metres* and can be easily joined to create bigger work spaces and allow for growth

- 9YARRA is the newest office building in the area and has all amenities, expected for the highest standards


IMPORTANT NOTE: All prices, rents and outgoings are quoted exclusive of GST. The Purchaser, Tenant or Occupant will be liable to pay the GST if applicable. An interested party is at all times responsible to ensure that the property inspected is suitable for their purposes and should note that the nominated area measurements are approximate and should not be relied upon. Area calculations may vary substantially, depending upon the basis of measurement. A Net Lettable Area is often smaller than a Title measurement. The Agent does not warrant that any area is correct and will not take any responsibility for area calculations, provided by a third party. The Agent recommends that a Purchaser, Tenant or Occupant have an area measurement certified by a surveyor if they wish to rely upon it.


Property ID: 501536791Last Updated: 12 Apr 2017

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03 5226 93... logo
Suite 808/9 Yarra Street
South Yarra, VIC 3141
Colliers - Geelong
Level 5/100 Brougham Street

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