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Address available on request Trenayr, NSW 2460

Address available on request,
Trenayr, NSW 2460

Warehouse, Factory & Industrial

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We are pleased to present to market for sale this tenanted investment opportunity; situated on 8,800sqm (2 acres) of cleared land is 61 Clark Road, Trenayr.

Trenayr is a burgeoning suburb located 5mins North of Grafton. Serviced by the Summerland Way the suburb currently houses a number of timber mills and processing businesses such as Big River Timbers and Koppers. With a squeeze on Industrial land in South Grafton and no industrial land available in Grafton, Trenayr will establish itself as an Industrial precinct in the next five years. We are currently seeing a trend towards Owner Occupiers acquiring industrial land in Trenayr.

The property is zoned IN1 Industrial and located within a 24hour operating zone which allows for a multitude of heavy industrial uses. The Owner has installed upgraded power capacity to the property, currently serviced by an on-premises 375KVA transformer. Water is also connected to the property, though waste is serviced by a septic system.

Northern Timber Processing Pty Ltd has occupied the Property for twenty years. At completion of the sale, a new 10-year lease will commence on the following terms:
- Commencing Rent $65,000.00 + GST
- CPI Annual Increases
- Option: 1 x 5 years

The tenant has agreed to pay the first years rent upfront in lieu of provision of a bank guarantee.

The Clarence Valley currently has over 2000 housing development blocks in various stages of development, with some builders now advising Clients of a two year wait to commence construction. This construction not only leaves our tenant in good stead for ongoing supply of timber products, but we are seeing tremendous pressure being put on the industrial property market.

We appreciate this presents a unique opportunity to Market. To make your enquiry and discuss this tenanted investment opportunity further, please contact Natasha Watkinson of NJW Commercial on 0478 705 4....

Property ID: 503640166Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021

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Address available on request
Trenayr, NSW 2460

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